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…RELIGIOUS BIAS CLOUDS TRADITION See Page 4 Sit yn Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom 4714hrt SHOWERS High--G0 Iow--45 Cloudy with increasing showers toward afternoon. VOL. LXX, No. 147 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX P) i Educator Advocates Additional Semester Nye Sees Need for State Colleges To Initiate More Efficient Plans By SUSAN FARRELL A recent study recommends that Michigan's colleges and univ...…
…SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1964 TUF MICHIGAN DAIfV TWillIA AIA ATRA, PI 3,16 PEAN VIEW: rof. Dulles Discusses Foreign Policy By JUDITH OPPENHEIM hough the majority of the ated young Europeans are ex- eIy friendly toward the United es, they feel that our foreign y is too naively idealistic, Prof. er Rhea Dulles of Ohio State ersity told an Honors Council iar on American foreign pol- 'esterday afternoon. of. Dulles discussed the prob- last January...…
… Premier Declares uts Riot Martial Law CITIES OF EVIL: Find Sodom, Gomorral As S in Turkey Violent Clash In Ankara Injures. 10 Army Tanks, Troop, Surround Campus ISTANBUL (P)-Student demon strators erupted in three Turkis] cities yesterday against Premie Adnan Menderes and bloodshei resulted in clashes with police. The government reacted quickl: by extending martial law in Istan bul and Ankara for three months * The most violent cla...…
…"We Should Get Together More Often" Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANk UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 When Opinions Are Free Truth Wtil Prevail" BRINK OF LIFE: No Dearth of Birth In Foreign Film ONE WONDERS, after seeing "Brink of Life" at the Campus, whether perhaps Ingmar Bergman is being brainwashed. His ...…
…M APRIL 30, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA Vflu' u* .5. £~ZEj ~ UV Board Unites International' Associations By CYNTHIA NEU "International Friendship" Is both the password and the by- law of one of the University's newest organizations, the Inter- national Coordinating Board. Formed officially in May of 1959, the Board, as its name im- plies, coordinates the activities of its member organizations which deal with topics of an interna- tional na...…
…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATTTRnAV_ APTEM Iii lQrft THE MICHIGAN DAILY~A"I'TTPn&V AD~TT Oft 1A~A tis[ix ilibilti.L El '341L .iV, lybV Frackmen Star at. Penn; Marcereau Blanks Iowa Bird Wins Broad Jump; Distance Medley 'First (Continued from Page 1) Lefty Allows EightScattered Safeties; Franklin Paces Hitters with 2 RBI's 9 Accordingly he stayed Just behind Georgetown's Bob Vinton until the final 200 yards at which point he made his cu...…
…ILLOGICAL POSITIVISM See Page 4 Ci r Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom 4n 40w a t CONTINUED CLOUDY High-60 LOW54 Scattered showers by evening with little temperature change. VOL. LXX, No. 146 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1960 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGE PROTESTS POLICIES: SGC Supports Picketing Turkish Troops Patrol Istanbul To Curb Anti-Government Riot Student Government Council yesterday endorsed student picket- Ing and any o...…
…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 29 ,1964 I T~lEMICHGANDAIL FRIAYAPRI 2977-6 Future Easing World Problems { I Medical School Lectures OPENS TUESDAY: On Closed-Circuit-TV New York Actors To Appear ( ning of the policy of containment from 1947 and said that the same basic policy has been continued through the present. Policy Established "In spite of the Republicans' talk of a more positive policy," he said, "they followed in the main, a ...…
… .hee's Suc Lessor Sets on Illegalities Army Fires Zeus Missile From 'Silo' Prof. Koch's Dismissal Debated Deadline SCIENTIST VON BRAUN: Life on Other Planets Called Probable NEW YORK ()-Dr. Wernher Von Braun, the space scientist, said yesterday it is "likely" that life exists in the universe outside the earth. He envisioned an eventual meet- ing of an earth astronaut with "another being in space." Von Braun used the word "likely" wit...…
…Seventieth Year, EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD TN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.'* ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Grosse Pointe's Inbred Image ien Opons Are Pree rruth Wi PrevaU" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. . APRIL 29, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MI...…
…THEMICHIGANDAILY The Senior Officers of the Michigan Union Announce Petitioning for Male Co-Chairman of Spring Weekend, 1961 1. Pick up information in Union Student offices, 2nd floor, North Wing, 2-5 P.M. 2. Petitions Due Tuesday, May 3. 3. Interviews, Thursday, May 5. Panhellenic Studies Vote A proposal to give associate members of Panhellenic Associa- tion a partial vote was discussed at the organization's meeting yes- terday. The motio...…
…TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY .F THE MICHIGAN DAILY I - --CAMP COUNSELOR OPENINGS --FOR FACULTY, STUDENTS AND GRADUATES- THE ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS .. . comprising 350 outstanding Boys,- Girls, Brother-Sister and Co-Ed Camps, located throughout the New England, Middle Atlantic States and Canada. . . INVITES YOUR INQUIRIES concerning summer employment as Counsellors, Instructors or Administrators. ... POSITIONS in children's camps, in all areas ...…
…FRIDAY, APRIL 29,1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 29,1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY L £1'.E,, mv .iI Three Michigan Track Team Engages Best In Penn Relays Competition By BILL PHELPS Teams Away Baseball Team Faces Iowa, Minnesota on Road Trip B Lester Bird, Steve Williams, and Ben McRae - thse will be the names opposite "Michigan" on the list of entries for individual events in the Penn Relays which start today. Although the meet consists ...…
…E'IGB THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 29,1960 UolW TE IHIANDAL 3 Library assistants. f6\1p'. YIf4 ". . w 1 " a M 4 f' ' 000 "" ". M lAiif. f DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 1020, daily. MALE 2 Counter servers. 8 Meal jobs. 3 Library assistants. 14 Odd jobs. 2 Salesmen (Commission for 3 weeks in June - good money). 2 Soda jerks (9:30 to 1 a.m. 3 days per week). II 1 Desk clerk (12:30 - 6:45 p.m. ...…
…STUDENTS: RE-AWAKENING? nte Ytoa Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom Dai4b CLOUDY, COOL High-60 Low-2 Cloudy with temperatures slightly above yesterday. See Page 4 VOL. LXX, No. 145 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX PAGES Food Riot Ends In March to Hill Panty Raid Fails before Markley After Start as East Quad 'Sit-In' By MICHAEL HARRAH and HARRY PERLSTADT The residents of East Quardangle staged a sit-in stri...…
…I 1 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1960 San Francisco Beatnik To Give Poetry Reading 'GANADIE': Lab Playbill To Present Original One-Act Drama 71 Francisco beatniks. There he met Allen Ginsberg and Kenneth Rex- roth; together, they were instru- mental in giving the beatnik' movement its name. Brother Antoninus began writ- ing poetry in 1935 under his name of William Everson. The develop-' ment of his poetry shows his struggle...…
… Korean Riots. Reach Peak At High Official' s Suicide I. Death Pact HOFFA TRIAL: Takes ive'"s ,d I Vi selds to Bias Appeal Of Family Vice-President Called Target of Crowds SEOUL (R)-The Seoul Martial Law Command announced that Vice-President-Elect Lee Ki Poong and his wife and two sons com- mitted suicide in a building on the grounds of the presidential man- sion about 5:40 a.m. today. The family had disappeared from public view ...…
…'... I Repeat-This is a Test ...I!t" I ml-01gan Da l Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY of BOARDIN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICH-. * Phone NO 2-3241 r 'LOOK HOMEWARD, ANGEL': Wolfe Play Performed '* ° hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" i Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writ...…
…THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y m IV .. _ A r c ' U, U.1 Nq 1T FRANK CASSARA, Professor of Art, School of Architecture and Design, will discuss the Pozzati and Antreasian prints at 10 A.M. Wednesday, May 4, at the FORSYTHE GALLERY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'tia 11:30 A.M. _jy I 201 Nickels Arcade No admissio...…
…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSAYa..PRT Slf TH MC IG N AIYT-TUfA PRT 0llt A&AU"O"tIA, ll rAAOXJU 40, LVOV v Cindermen Eye Penn Relay Wins I i PROGRAM of the By BILL PHELPS After spectacular success last weekend, the track team from Ferry Field will defend their 2- mile relay title and try to pick up gold watches in five other races this weekend at the Penn Relays. Led by infatigueable Ergas Leps, who will anchor at least three teams, the Wo...…
… ADMISSIONS POLICY A SACRIFICE ? u1 Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom t1 IA ) OI Hn gh-r54 Low--38 Light winds with little change in temperature See Page 4 VOL. LXX, No. 144 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX fa*g ADMISSIONS POLICY: Hatcher Views 'U' Expansion By FAITH WEINSTEIN The problems of pressure from Increasing numbers of freshman applications to the University "will grow in perplexity and difficul...…
…THE MICHIGAN DAILY UST MARTIN LECTURES: ees Use for Creativity in Industry Lone Ranger Still Rides ACROSS CAMPUS: Petitioning Opens for Board Positions By CAROLINE DOW, Yes, industry can make good use of truly creative art, David Stone Martin, a creative commer- cial artist affirmed yesterday. If an artist is allowed to inter- pret the idea which an advertis- ment is trying to deliver, then he can be creative with an already prescribed the...…
… TWO PRIMARIES: Voters Back Nixon, Kennedy By The Associated Press BOSTON M-)- Sen. John F. Kennedy proved himself the over- whelming favorite son of his home state Democrats yesterday with a runaway victory in the presi- dential primaries. Kennedy even ran well on the 6OP ballot, picking up about five per cent of the write-in votes of cross-over Republicans. Vice President Richard M. Nix- on, while dominating the Repub- lican primary, manag...…
…Sevenitieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 !hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will PrevawV Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, APRIL 27, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN FARRELL Uniquen...…
…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r .r' . ".w L " w.','Q DAILY OFFICIAL .BULLETIN \^ vv. '~" < Q yur m o s ammt r 41yt rSorrAm t.' J: bi"°:rm"1::i :a : .rds;,l"y",..r For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4788 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 't1,11:30 A.M. (Continued from Page 4) be invited to raise questions. Sopho- more students are particularly invited, but Freshmen who are interested In the program are also welc...…
…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDE SDAY, APRIL 27, ichigan Nine Beaten at Western Michigan, 8-6 ors, Walks Pave Way for Broncos; sh, Liakonis, McGinn Do 'M' Pitching _______':-?MAJOR LEAGUE ROUNDUP: Tigers Lose First Game to Cleveland a4 with the sacks loaded, but the damage was already done. Nick Liakonas, the second of three Michigan pitchers, was the victim of the horrible fifth and he was charged with the loss. Denny McGinn, the third hurler, c...…
… AFRICAN NATIONALISM RECONSIDERED See Page 4 Ci r Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom :D aii4 CLOUDY, COOLER High-62 Low-=54 Scattered Showers ending late afternoon. VOL. LXX No. 143 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX PAC Press No Charge In Littering Case Official Says City Not To Prosecute Two Picketers After Investigation By PETER STUART City authorities will bring no charges against two anti-discrimi- nation...…
…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I.LJ dZMA t, . ; t s irc wardt med New LOCAL DEMOCRAT: Prof. Cutler Tells Plans To Run for State Senate LI Head of. Albert H. Marckwardt of English department was ed acting director of the Eng- Language Institute at the Re- s' meeting Friday, will replace Prof. Robert of the English department is resigning to accept a posi- at Georgetown University. Prof. Richard L. Cutler, who was granted leave by the Regents to se...…
… ihee Offers Resignation, New National Elections DEMONSTRATORS-Korean police used fire hoses to control rioters in earlier stages of the rioting. They have been ordered, on penalty of court-martial, not to fire on the anti-Rhee demonstrators. CHALLENGES WEST : Khrushchev Threatens Access to Berlin e+ , MOSCOW M - Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev told the Western powers yesterday they either must sign a peace treaty with Com- munist East Ger...…
…"Wait for Your Leaders, Dammit" Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.@ ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: ...…
…'RII 2611950 , 'RI 2. 1960TE MICHIGAN DlA ILV ANNUAL EVENT: Pledges Plan Help Week To Clean 'U' Camp Site Carnesge Awards Study Grant To Investigate Disarmament For Direct Classified Ad.Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. By PAT GOLDEN Fraternity and sorority pledges sign up this week to work one afternoon cleaning the University's Fresh Air Camp. During the week of May ...…
…0 THE MICHIGAN DAITY 4 - J4. ZNM x I £Ar Ai.Lj Stops -.,' T U. of D. Streak with 10-8 Victory , Frosh Top Gym Meet Gil LaRose led a Wolverine freshmen assault on the Michigan AAU gymnastics meet Saturday at East Lansing with three firsts, three seconds and a third. LaRose captured first in the all-around, free exercise, and high bar, with seconds in still rings, long horse, the vault, and third on the parallel bars. Jim Hynds, a ...…
…PACIFISTS AT IT AGAIN et Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom D~at PARTLY CLOUDY High-74 Low-58 Scattered showers, moderate winds from northeast. See Page 4 VOL. LXX, No. 142 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX P The .f Professional BY PHILIP SHERMAN Readaptation of the military as a constabulary force is now ap- propriate, Prof. Morris Janowitz of the sociology department argues. "The military establi...…
…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. APRIL 24. 1960 , T-E-I HI AN DA-Y---__AVA FT. L 1C V V 111 .L!'!7 A } C11 AI AlL 4., 2. l i7 V V 7 ACROSS CAMPUS: Festival Gives List 9Of Events By GEORGE LEVIN The Creative Arts Festival will be held from May 9 to May 20. Sponsored by the Union, it is a series of exhibitions, lectures, s and demonstrations dealing with ' many different forms of art from folk singing to oil painting to the Architectural uses of ...…
… Rhee Relinquishes Power, Disbands Liberal Party ARTS AND LETTERS: Euripides Effects Add Modern Twist By CAROLINE DOW The Shavian quality of Euri- pides' characters will make the speech department production of "Orestes" at 1:30 p.m. today on WUOM, akin to modern drama. Euripides, like Shaw, pokes fun at honored traditions and employs dramatic irony to lessen the influ- ence of the Gods and make man responsible for his own acts, Jerry ...…
…"Tell Me, As One Old Soldier To Another, How Does It Feel Actually To Run A Government?" Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Vhen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevaill 'YEARS OF POWER': Potrait of Nehru Mirrors Indian History Nehru: The Years of Power, by Vincent Sheean, Random ...…
…SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r .w u a . e. r ,. FOR RENT SUMMER, FURNISHED, 3 bdrm. house 2 blocks from campus, fully equipped kitchen, wash, mac. garage. NO 8- 6003. C4 i a FOR SUMMER: 5 room furni close to campus. NO 3-3626. shed apt. C15 2 3 4 SUMMER: Large, furnished three bed- room apt., 1 block from campus. 728 S. State, NO 3-9540. 016 i i / FOR SUMMER: Furnished apt, for 2 to 4 men. Call NO 3-7541 ext. 805. ...…
…TREE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1960 Michigan Splits Trackmen Star at OSU; Set Relays Win Mark Baseball Twin Bill with urdue OSU'S NICKLAUS STARS: M' Golfers Lose to Three Foes (Continued from Page 1) The second man, Frank Geist,. sprinted his two trips around the .track in 1:53.7 and gained con- siderably. Fred Montour, the half- miler who only seems to be able to come up with a good ...…
…COMPREHENSIVES: PRO AND CON see page 4 S r4 Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom DaitP WARM, CLOUDY High-83 Low-55 Present conditions to continue with little change Y1Vi~ U1L1NT~5 VA!,. LXX, No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1960 FIVE UENTS$ SIX PA aua aY.a v r Michigras 0 Marches in with Parade ( of Toy * * * * * * * * * Ike Welcomes de Gaulle, Raps False Peace Parleys To Discuss Conference Difficu...…
…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATTIROAY: APR Ir. 2R._ THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~ATTT1~.flAV APRTV 09 - J as.,.a a., La. *I.Sfl ~VU~ .euv PtxJ.URLLM , t1r mIlu zs, lybv New Pathology Building Sees Full Use Dean Terms Science Aid 'Educational' Government-supported research toward military objectives has great educational value for the entire world, Dean Stephen S., Attwood of the engineering college said at a lecture for Air Force officers recently. As head...…
… Korean ice'-Presidency Totters as Chang Resigns 'U. Prediet Rhee May Dump Successor Expected To Decline Elected Office Soon SEOUL (-South Korea's lame duck, Vice President John H. Chang resigned today and Lee Ki- Poong, the man who unseated him in the controversial March 15 election, said he might step down too. Lee would have succeeded Chang Aug. 15 under President Syngman Rhee. '7 am considering relinquishing the vice presidency-elect," sa...…
…Chain of Command Seventieth Year EDITED ANw MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. 0 Phone NO 2-3241 I___EI Opinions Are Free h Will PrevaU" '.C /. i, ,4 :I . . tPRETING: Berlin May Cause sum mitStalemate BY J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst Editorials printed in T he Michigan Daily express the individual opinion...…
…sATUIDAY, AIRL293, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY w PACE F TWO DEPARTMENT HEADS: Regents Approve Appointments, Titles Speech Research Lab Transferred, Renamed I MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES At their meeting yesterday, the Regents of the University ap- proved the following appoint- ments Prof. tiavid, M. Dennison, re-. appointment to chairman of the physics department for a five-year term ending June 30, 1965. Prof. Dennison has b...…
…STX THE MICHIGAN ]DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 230: 1960 IX H MALARYAL,. ___ __ . r, _ . , ,. __ _. olverines Whp Illini -5, in BigTen Opener (Continued from Page 1) r Hood, Gene Struczewski, Dave rown and Joe Murello and an Tor by right fielder Russ Martin ave the Wolverines a command- ig 8-3 lead, and for all practical irposes, the victory. The Illini, however, failed to ve up and scared the hosts in ie final inning when the fatigued och lost...…
…: PICKET ARRESTS HARASSMENT? Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom 4jaii4 SUNNY, WARM Hlgh--74 Low--56 Partly cloudy tonight, southerly breezes. See Page 4 VOL. LXX, No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1960 'IVE CENTS TWENTY PAGES . I I Msu Continues Compulsory ROTC, NEW RADAR -- President Harlan Hatcher talks with Prof. William Boyd, director of Willow Run Laboratories, at a luncheon at which the new type of por...…
…PQ THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, A Tupper Says Medical Bill Would Not Achieve Purpose ByAMDY HAWLEY commented that, while physicians Prof. Charles J. Tupper, assocI- might suffer very little economic ate dean of the medical school, loss under such a system, costs aid yesterday the proposed Forand would probably increase and qual- bill would fail to provide medical ity would tend to decline. care for the people it is supposed He said that experi...…
… t ihee Considers Enemies Venezuelan Rebels Pursued by Troops For Cabinet.Mmbership e v ._ BYRD REFUSES SUPPORT: Debate over Kennedy's R4 WASHINGTON (WP)-Sen. Rob-, ert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.) told the Senate yesterday he is "not anti- Catholic" but that he wouldn't support Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.) for President "if he were a missionary Baptist." Byrd made the remark in a speech in which he contended it is Kennedy, a Roman Catholic,...…
…Ten Years in Korea Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD rN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 2 Opinions Are Free It Will Prevai"' AT LYD1IA MENDELSOHN: Modern Dance Concert Shows Variety, Taste REMEMBERING THOSE of some years ago, the faculty advisers for this modern dance concert should be proud of the results. Th...…
…22, 1960 TIE MICHIGAN DAILY 22, 1960 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY COLLEGE IOUND-UP: Williams To Address Mock Convention For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. (4 MINNEAPOLIS - Gov. G. Men- nen Williams will be keynote speaker at the University of Min- nesota Mock Democratic Political Convention, May 13. Student delegations each rep- resenting a state, will ...…
… THE MICHIGAN DAILY olverines Host Illini in Big LSEBALL ROUNDUP: Iraves, Yanks Win Shutouts Ten Baseball Opener CHeavy-Hit ting Squads To Match Bats; Koch To Start Against Illini's Ace By BRAN MaCLOce By The Associated Press h ie ag ao's pressure - playing ite Sox, who win 'em the clost- of anybody, scored their sec- straight one-run, last-inning Cory yesterday, nipping Kansas r, 6-5 in 11 innings. 'ed Kluszewski's one-out single red Nel...…